Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Skullduggery Pleasant

This blog entry is dedicated to my all time favorite books series, Skullduggery Pleasant. When I saw that there was a chance to win a set of signed books I just couldn't resist so if anyone is keen to start reading this fantastic series you can even get the ebooks now at http://bit.ly/qNJYCP. You would be stupid not to check it out its a free book!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Final Day's

Hello people in reader land

My time is very fast running out which is very sad.
I have done a lot over the past days.
On monday we went to a huge swimming pool called alpamare.
In short that place is heaven with water. It had 7 (well 8 but 2 were the same) slides. I went on every slide. There was even one slide that at a point was 92% vertical which was awesome. We spent 4 and a half hours there and was sad to leave.
Tuesday we spent seeing old friends.
Wednesday it was my dads birthday which was cool. We went into munich and went shopping for a bit and at night we went to a jazz club which was cool but not really my thing but I did see my friends again.
Thursday I went to a friends to catch up one last time
Friday was another birthday, my great grandmas and we had a really delicious lunch at an italians and later caught up with my grandma.
and today (Saturday) we started packing in the morning and it nearly didn't all fit and then we went shopping and I brought chocolate for you guys and some gumi bears and now spending a nice afternoon with my grandpa and going to have dinner here.
No photos because I couldn't be bothered you will see them soon any way.
Our flight leaves tomorrow at 3.25 pm and we will be in NZ on the 15th and I will see you all then and this is my last blog for this holiday.
comment in person hahahahhaahah


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year

Hello to the mass of readers well not mass maybe a clot or clump or pair, actually hello Liam and Jenny

I have had a fantastic New Year so far.

First we celebrated it with fireworks including the mighty bottle rocket (man I love this country) and a few close family friends.
Then had a relaxing day and in the evening we went to watch a local ice hockey game where we knew one guy (who by the way has 10 children) and that was cool. Sadly it wasn't as violent has I had hoped but I will live with it.

Then yesterday I went into munich with my grandpa and I got my Christmas presents (cloths), after that we were at a restaurant and we waited for 45 minutes before our food came which sucked because we didn't have enough time to go to the german museum but instead we went to a art gallery which was surprisingly enjoyable.

The weather is fantastic at the moment blue sky and it is really cold which means that the snow is staying we have around 30 cm of snow it is so cool everything is blanketed white.

Sadly I only have 9 days left in this wonderful country I do wish that I had a bit longer but I am exited to be coming back.
Comment please and you will be mentioned by name next time.


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Relaxing Times

Hello everybody

I have been relaxing nicely these past few days. Today we didn't leave the house till 3.30, it has been fantastic sleeping till around 10 everyday.
I also visited BMW world on Wednesday which was okay the cars looked cool, got to play some weird car games like dividing water into hydrogen and oxygen and I finally found an english book store and brought some books because I was running low.

Since then we have been hanging out around. We went sledging on the now quickly melting snow it was pretty fun and I had to drag my 5 year old cousin up the hill because he was tired.

We also have been playing on my grandpa's frozen lake/pond which has been awesome but now it is slowly melting and it has a huge crack in it but the ice will hold till we leave it is 15-20 cm thick

Sorry about the lack of photos in my last posts but something has happened with the blog and it won't let me upload at the moment but just check out the web gallery for photos

Apart from that I have been eating a whole lot of food hahahahah it is just so good here but I am feeling sick at the moment which sucks but hopefully I will come right soon.

Could someone please comment I would just like to know that at least someone is reading this and I am not just writing to my self.


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Hello everyone I would like to just wish everyone a merry christmas
I hope you all had a wonderful day
I spent christmas eve with the family and it is the first time in 20 years that my mums whole family has been together for christmas so it was pretty cool.
I got some pretty cool stuff.

Write a comment on what you did and what you got because I would really like to know what has been happening in NZ

I have had an awesome 6 days since I last wrote

I went to my old friends Marie's to go to school for 2 days
The first day we woke up at around 6.30 and then left for school at 7.15. I meet most her friends and then because her practical teacher was sick, she showed me around the school for a bit then we had lunch and then we helped clean up some of the christmas decorations.
After that we helped to set up the party for the night. The party was cool and meet some more people. I was the youngest there by at least 1 year but I didn't look it because all of them looked really young. We went home at around 12 to wake up again at 6.30
Next day just messed around because we were so tired and a lot of the kids were hungover. Then went to the Christmas party which was okay. We went into munich to stay with Marie's father and stayed the night there. The next day we went to this cool market called tollwood which had tons of stands selling food and other cool stuff. Brought some christmas presents and then took the S ban back to where we are staying.

Since then I have been sleeping late and relaxing.

Today we wen tobogganing for a bit which was cool and now just waiting for a delicious dinner of duck in around 40 minutes so I am going to finish this blog and for gods sake comment I want to know what is happening


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Snow Snow Snow

Well hello of everyone sorry about the longer wait than I promised but I haven't been able to get to a internet connection these past 5 days but now I will hope fully be able to write more often.

Well we moved on from the city and towards my grandpas place which is fantastic.
We have rented rooms near there for the whole time we are here in germany and they are really cool.

thats my end of my sisters and my room.

Another great thing about being here is that it is colder than it was in the city and there is a bit of snow here sadly it isn't the right snow for snowmen sadly and only around were we are staying is there very consistent snow and it hasn't snowed yet while we have been here. It is so cold it is unbelievable during the day it is normally between -2 and-5.
The photo is from my parents veranda.

Today we went for a walk in the country behind my grandpas house.
The walk was the most awesome fun I have had in a long time it was so awesome.
You may ask why this walk was so awesome.
it was awesome because most of the puddles were frozen and we had a fun time breaking them but the most fun part was that we found these two puddles that had frozen over but there was no water underneath and the ice was thin so you would break through really easily. My grandpa and I kept smashing bits of ice over our heads and just breaking the the ice. It felt like breaking glass. the photo's are so awesome there are more at http://gallery.mac.com/machelptaupo#100045

I have been seeing old friends all week and tomorrow I am going to be spending 2-3 nights at an old friends place and I will be going to school for the two last days of the german term.
I hope that all is well in NZ leave a comment if you want to know anything in particular and I will try and write more often now


Thursday, December 13, 2007

My First Day's

Well here is my first post from over seas.

We left on the 10th of december and we finally go to germany 36 hours later. Sleep deprived and full of sugar in my case.

Our first stop was San francisco. I would like to say that city is absolutely beautiful. Sadly we could only stay for 12 hours but a friend of ours picked us up from the airport and straight away took us out to lunch. We had some authentic burritos at a mexican restaurant they were delicious.

Then it was time for sight seeing, we quickly condensed all of San Francisco's land marks including the golden gate bridge.

Then we went down town. the shops were huge but I only had my eyes set on the hot dog stand at the corner. I brought a hot dog from a street vendor my mission was complete.

Then we went out for dinner at another spanish restaurant where we tried a lot of different tapas.

During my brief stay I went slightly mad and started to collect rolls of pennies and they are so cool!!

Then we had to leave the wonderful city we had a 11 hour flight and we finally landed in germany.
The weather is unbelievably freezing and evan more sadly there is no snow :(
I have been chronically suffering from jet lag and have been waking up at around 3 o'clock in the morning
I have been stuffing my face with so much food I think I will pop soon.

Thats all for now I am going out for dinner with friends tonight hope all is well in the land of the long white cloud.
and I will write again in a 2-4 days
